This morning, when we re-read Bedhead looking for how the punctuation and conventions affected our reading, I was skeptical at first.  I didn’t really want to do it again.  Then I noticed and started writing down.  I was blown away at how challenging it was to try to use this punctuation as a model, but I loved it!  I love the potential ideas for what I could do with it in my classroom!  I love the beginning of the conversation about conventions that it will begin!  I did bring up a potential problem with grammar teaching in context versus grammar teaching from handbooks.  I got the answer I wanted. J

The visualization was another big moment for me.  I really loved the window assignment.  It brought me to so many beautiful memories, and it may have given me a way to talk about my memories of my dad.

I learned so much from my writing group today too.  With my group’s encouragement, I am eager to work further on a piece I thought I was done with.  My group’s thoughtful comments gave me several good ideas to work with.  

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